Ever arrive at work with a million things on your mind and on top of that it has been a bad morning? Then when lunchtime arrives you realized you have forgotten your lunch? Yeah, that is awful. Then you have to figure out what to eat and where to get your food, figure out if that location is even near your workplace… Just makes that bad day, even worse.
Having a micro market in the workplace erases that problem. A Micro Market is basically a self-serve mini market placed conveniently within your workplace. They are more convenient than dealing with the hassles of a vending machine, and it is great breakroom food. All you have to do for a Micro Market is walk in, pick the food you would like, and cash out!
Micro Markets Have an Array of Fresh Products
There are hundreds of products to choose from to put into your Micro Market. There are snacks, sandwiches, wraps, salads, frozen food, sodas, energy drinks, tea, coffee, and more.
Food. For food, there are many healthy products! Such as the salads, wraps, sandwiches, and some of our snacks are healthy as well! We sell the local Perfect Granola Bars from Victor, NY that are non-GMO, gluten-free, and vegan. Other healthy snacks include pistachios, Chobani Yogurt, the Kind granola bars, and more.
Products Made Locally. The salads, wraps, and sandwiches are made fresh in Rochester, NY, and then delivered across the street to us who then sell them to you. So, if you forgot your sandwich at home or just simply did not have time to make lunch, our Micro Markets will provide you with a healthy lunch to eat. We have many other products from within New York. Such as the Perfect Granola bars mentioned above, Chobani from Norwich, NY, Popcorners from Middleton, NY, and more!
Next Time…
Next blog we will discuss the many benefits of having a micro market in your breakroom! If you want to learn more and talk with a sales representative, contact Crickler Vending today!